We are excited for you to learn more about LivingWay Community Church and meet our pastors!

There are 3 Membership Class sessions:
  • When: Saturdays - March 8, 22, & 29 
  • Time: 9:00 - 12:00 pm
  • Where: Kingdom Kids Worship Room

Attendance in all classes are required to fully complete membership, but if one is missed, it can be made up at a later time.

Last day to register for membership classes is Sunday, March 2

A confirmation email will be sent to you that you have registered for the class, as well as, an email with details the Thursday before classes start from ester.song@lwccla.org. If you haven't received an email from me, check your spam folder or reach out to me!

Making-up a missed class? - Please click on the session(s) you missed